Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alcohol – Important Facts You Need to know Regarding Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism is the famous term for alcohol abuse and dependence. It is a disorder that can create too much problems in your life, which sometimes the effect or consequences can involve your life or the life of someone you love the most.
Alcoholism can affect not just your relationship with other people, but it can also destroy your body. In fact, the effect of alcohol in the body can cause different health problems such as memory disorder, liver disease, high blood pressure, anemia, abnormal heart condition, gastrointestinal inflammation, and low blood sugar, high fat content and other related diseases.
Aside from health effects, this addiction is another source of social disorder in our society. Problems that include murder, homelessness, violent crime, rape, injury and other alcohol related incident. Even statistics concluded that 50% all deaths in all motor vehicle accidents are due to drunkenness of the driver. A child from age 15 and up is now exposed or has experience drinking, and the rate is growing by the day.
Alcoholism has no real cause, nor can we say that alcoholism is also genetically inherited. Although according to some medical study, children of alcoholic parents are more or less likely to develop this addiction as well. Probably, because they are exposed to the substance even while they are young or due to peer pressure. Adolescent can be difficult especially if you also have other issues to deal with, as well.
Moreover, a child who comes from broken family or has been adopted and raised by another family, are easily susceptible to drinking. Do not get me wrong, I am not saying all children who come from these backgrounds will eventually become like their parents, as the decision is up to them and to you. The risk and temptation of this and other addictive substance is around us, the decision whether you want to get trap by them is entirely up to you and you alone.
This kind of addiction has two effects the long term and short term. Short term effects of alcoholism are impaired vision, slurring of speech, abnormal heart rate, poor balance, and difficulty in walking. While long term effects are liver disease, abnormal sleep pattern, numbness in the legs and arm, liver disease and diarrhea. The effects of long term on the other hand, is so severe and many to mention as it can probably exhaust you from reading.
All you need to understand and this is the most important thing, is that alcoholism is an issue that must be dealt with accordingly. Do not think that you alone can overcome this addiction, because no one man can easily let go of his addiction, no matter how much they love their family. As much as we hate to admit it, we all need a little help from time to time.
Alcoholism is one problem that assistance or help should be welcomed with and open arm. It is best to rid of this addiction as early as possible, to avoid long term effects or the negative consequences of your abuse.

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